Tomate (from $31.50, family $112.00)

30% off till Aug 25

Designers: Ramiro Espinoza
Design date: 2008
Publisher: Re-Type

available in all of the styles:
Basic Latin/English letters West European diacritics Euro Ligatures

only available in some of the styles:
Any OpenType Features OpenType Alternates

Tomate started in 2006 as a brush lettering exercise for a poster and was later used for the ReType identity.

In 2008 its author decided to turn it into a super fat typeface suitable for packaging and mass consumption products.

The possibilities of ultra heavy forms are explored in this alphabet; trying to solve the design problems that these sort of forms present.

Tomate shows influences from the beautiful Goudy Heavyface Italic which is a design the author admires.

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