PiS LIETZ Parilon (80% discount, $7.60)

80% off till Feb 14

available in all of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features Basic Latin/English letters West European diacritics Euro Ligatures Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian Vietnamese Other OpenType

Designers: Hannes Siengalewicz
Design date: 2013
Publisher: PiS

PiS Lietz Parilon invites you to the austrian countryside for an amazing ski-tour on snowy mountains back then when skilifts were sparse and mustaches were far from ironic.

Use this heavy fraktur for retro tourism posters, your classic beer or schnaps brand or anything that needs a good swig of tradition! Heat up the Jagatee and enjoy the earthy taste of PiS Lietz Parilon,
it will warm your heart!

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