Naste (70% discount, from 4,80€, family 24,90€)

70% off until Dec 6

available in all of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features  Basic Latin/English letters  West European diacritics  Euro  Ligatures  Small Caps  Central Europe  Baltic  Turkish  Romanian  Cyrillic  Other OpenType

only available in some of the styles in this family:
OpenType Alternates

Tipo Pèpel strikes again with a lush splurge on pure basic geometrical shapes and sizes, those that inspired Paul Renner’s typographic milestone “Futura”. A new look to classic shapes, bringing them back plenty of delightfullly details as the lowercase cursive forms’ long tiles that break the supposed linearity expected from a purely geometrical font.

Rhythm given by hidden details in each character of each weight, push “Naste” out of German geometric sobriety, will help us to easily create typographic hierarchies upon the many weights available and the many and accurate details. Excellent results with minimal effort.

Wide ‘x’ height, restrained ascending and descending stems; thick but elegant, easy to read and in need of generous white space around, where it feels comfortable. More is better than less.

As usual in Type Pépel, full sets of Opentype alternatives and Unicode support for 104 languages ​​plus Cyrillic.

16 weights of typographic beauty in all its glory.

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154325 154329 154323 154328 154324 154326 154321 154322

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