Lorimer No 2 (75% discount, 7€)

75% off until Aug 11

available in all of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features Basic Latin/English letters West European diacritics Euro Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian Other OpenType

Designers: James Walker Puckett
Design date: 2011
Publisher: Dunwich Type Founders

Lorimer No 2 is a sans family designed for display settings. Narrow letters, tight spacing, and a low x-height make Lorimer No. 2 better suited to display settings than fonts adjusted to work in text settings. Packaging, identities, and headlines are ideal applications for Lorimer No 2.

Designer James Puckett developed Lorimer No. 2 as the result of researching nineteenth century memorial inscriptions. A condensed sans serif inscription on a Manhattan burial vault prompted research and experimentation. Research turned up similar letters in American wood type, memorials in an Indian cathedral, and enameled tiles in the New York City subway. Puckett developed his experiments into a type family with two widths, five weights, and matching italics.

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