Gamundia Pro (20% discount, 543,19€)

20% off until Jul 30

available in all of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features  Basic Latin/English letters  West European diacritics  Euro  Ligatures  Central Europe  Baltic  Turkish  Romanian  Cyrillic  OpenType Alternates  Dingbats & Symbols

Designers: Ralph M. Unger
Design date: 2010
Publisher: RMU

In 2012 Schwäbisch Gmünd will celebrate its 850th anniversary, and in 2014 it will be host town to the State Garden Show of Baden-Württemberg. These both celebrations have been the background to create a special font for my home town and give it the town’s ancient name.

Inspired by Excoffon’s Diane, I drew and digitized a new, multilingual script font which covers the main European languages written in Latin or Cyrillic letters.

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Worn Gothic (family $44.85)

35% off till Sep 13 Designers: Nathan Williams Design date: 2013 Publisher: Baseline Fonts available in all of the styles: