Equip (50% discount, from $0, complete $99.00)

50% off till Nov 12

Designers: Dieter Hofrichter
Design date: 2013
Publisher: Hoftype

available in all of the styles:
Any OpenType Features Basic Latin/English letters West European diacritics Euro Ligatures Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian OpenType Alternates Other OpenType Dingbats & Symbols

Equip, a new versatile geometric sans face in 16 styles, designed on a geometric base. Low contrasted lines and a sturdy ductus give it a strong appearance. It looks open, generous and unsentimental. A large selection of weights and many useful OpenType features allow an easy adjustment for a wide range of applications, in print and on the web.

Equip is very well suited for ambitious typography.
The Equip family comes in OpenType format with extended language support. All weights contain semi-ligatures (design optimized single characters), proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, proportional old style figures, lining old style figures, matching currency symbols, fraction- and scientific numerals and arrows.

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