Epigraph (30% discount, from 17,49€)

30% off until Apr 27

available in all of the styles in this family:
Basic Latin/English letters West European diacritics Euro Ligatures Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian Cyrillic Dingbats & Symbols

only available in some of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features Other OpenType

Designers: Dragan Pešić
Design date: 2014
Publisher: Pesic
MyFonts debut: Jan 23, 2014

Epigraph is a font which has role models in the lapidary letter. The glyphs doesn’t have serifs, but it has humanistic qualities and the nucleus of a serif. The differences between thick and thin stokes are small, and the font design is unobtrusive and graceful with traditional proportions. Epigraph has satisfactory readibility, it is suitable for the text and brochures headlines, catalogues, books and other typographic demands with historical, archeological and artistic content, as well as other etiquette. Character map contains all Latin glyphs of European languages and Cyrillic. Besides its regular version it has Italic, Bold, BoldItalic and SmallCaps.

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