Barracuda Script (35% discount, complete 32,49€)

35% off until Jul 29

available in all of the styles:
Basic Latin/English letters

only available in some of the styles:
Any OpenType Features West European diacritics Euro Ligatures Small Caps Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian OpenType Alternates OpenType Contextual OpenType Swash

Designers: Emil Karl Bertell
Design date: 2013
Publisher: Fenotype

Barracuda Script is a bold and vibrant brush family of three weights and matching ornament sets. Barracuda Script is packed with alternate characters, each basic letter has at least four variants to allow you create customized headlines. To activate the alternates click on Swash, Contextual, Stylistic or Titling Alternates in any OpenType savvy program or manually select the characters from Glyph Palette. Turn on Small Caps to access a complete set of capital letters designed for writing in all caps.

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