Bandera Cyrillic (80% discount, family 17,20 €)

available in all of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features Basic Latin/English letters Euro Cyrillic

Designers: Andrij Shevchenko
Design date: 2014
Publisher: AndrijType

This square serif typeface is a real workhorse. It is a modern tool for text design: extremely legible and well shaped. Bandera Cyrillic has six weights with original italics. It catches attention in headlines of posters and magazines or makes reading comfortable in plain texts.

Bandera Cyrillic shares main proportions with sans serif Osnova Pro typefamily so ideally can pair it. It has Bandera Cyrillic Text and Bandera Cyrillic Display sister families as well. Please check also Pro verion for pan-european support (full Latin-Greek-Cyrillic).

Bandera is Spanish for ‘flag’. And Bandera is a symbol of Ukrainian fighting for freedom for many years.

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