P22 Dearest (20% discount, from 13,59 €)

20% off until Jun 15

available in all of the styles in this family:
Basic Latin/English letters

only available in some of the styles in this family:
Any OpenType Features West European diacritics Euro Ligatures Central Europe Baltic Turkish Romanian Cyrillic Greek Modern OpenType Alternates OpenType Contextual OpenType Swash Dingbats & Symbols

Designers: Christina Torre
Design date: 2001
Publisher: IHOF

Dearest is a distinct flowing script based on handwritten characters found in a 19th Century German book chronicling a history of the Middle Ages Originally released in 2001 as a set containing two styles, Script and Swash, Dearest is now expanded in 2014 as a pro font with several hundred new characters including support for Central European, Cyrillic and Greek languages. Other Opentype features include ligatures, fractions and figures, Roman numerals, alternate letterforms and more swashes to expand the possibilities of this designer-friendly font.

In addition to the Dearest Pro font, a new companion font has been added- P22 Dearest Alternates. The characters contained in this font are part of the pro font, but are also designed to be used with Dearest Script and Dearest Swash and is intended for those who have applications that do not support Opentype features.

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