Long Underwear (75% discount, from 6€)

75% off until Apr 10

available in all of the styles in this family:
Basic Latin/English letters  West European diacritics  Euro  Ligatures  Dingbats & Symbols

Boy, they’re everywhere. One of your neighbors is probably one of them, Freaking super-heroes (TM, ©, ®, SM blah blah blah) are more ubiquitous in cities these days than Simon Cowell is on talent shows.

Notice how that guy on the subway — the one with the boy scout haircut? — see how he keeps his shirt buttoned all the way up? He’s not sweating either… that’s ’cause he’s probably from some dead planet that exploded twenty years ago. His REAL parents wrapped him in blankets and, when he turned 18, his Ma on Earth turned those same blankets into Long Underwear for her foster son. He’s probably wearing his long underwear right now. That’s why he’s smiling at you through his horn rimmed glasses. He thinks you don’t know. Thinks he’s special. Thinks he’s a super-hero (TM, ©, ®, SM blah blah blah).

Ain’t that Super?

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